Regenerating community foodscapes by co-design (CoP)

Regenerating community foodscapes by co-design (CoP)

We are a Community of Practice who collaborate and support each other's challenges in preparing and doing co-design. We start with co-design challenges from pioneer practitioners who regenerate community foodscapes in and around Amsterdam. We welcome your considerations, suggestions, and advice.


Supporting people to formulate their needs - Menno

Encourage people with excess to slow down - Mama D

Sensing rhythm, harmony & resonance - Emiel

Being truly democratic - Fatema, Naturecentric

Engaging & Involving Different Stakeholders - Rens

Co-design is New & Scary - Annet, GroenplatVorm ZO

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

Your Priorities on GitHub

Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information