How to incentivate people to use alternative transport

How to incentivate people to use alternative transport

Many citizens own both a car, a motorcycle, scooter and a bicycle, but many opt to use only the car for personal convenience. To incentivate use of alternative transport the car insurance premium should be tied to the number of miles driven with the car: the less miles on the car, the lower the insurance cost. Thus a person would be motivated to consider other modes of transport instead of the car because he has a financial incentive. Less cars, less congestion, less pollution, more free space!


Considering alternative means of transport instead of the car.

Too complicated. Plus easy to tamper with.

We had suggested MIA. Bicycle insurance included in car insurance, while bike is being used for work, car is not being used and therefore is at less risk. Good for the driver, the insurance agency and other drivers. Less cars fighting for the same space and more bicycles insured. Another way of creating credit is using Ta Linja card to credit circulation tax. But ultimately modal shift means shifting drivers out of their cars. Incentivising alternatives is just voluntary drift.

I agree except it should be licenses fees that are tied to km done.

I agree except it should be licenses fees that are tied to km done.

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