postijiet requisitioned mil-gvern

postijiet requisitioned mil-gvern

Il-familja tieghi ghandhom blokka l belt u l birgu li kinu requisizzjonati mil gvern fis 70s u qed jintuzaw ghal skopijiet ta social housing. Dawn il propjetajiet ghandhom valur konsiderevoli fis suq illum il-gurnata u l familja tieghi, minn generazzjoni ghal generazzjoni qatt ma setghet tgawdi xejn minnhom minkejja li anke huma kinu fil bzonn ta dar. Din hija ingustizzja u nittama li tigi indirizzata.


Ensure that the rent laws apply fairly to such properties (nationally not just in Valletta) and give the rightful owners a way to reacquire possession of the property.

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