Pedestrian crossing in Mid Calder

Pedestrian crossing in Mid Calder

I walk with my daughter up to Mid Calder Primary and always find it difficult to get good visibility to cross the road safely from the side where Milk Hairdressers is to the side where Fork and Field is. Trying to get a spot that you can see both ways where vehicles are not parked is tricky. Cars almost always go faster than the 20mph limit and so a crossing would be so welcome to improve the safety for pedestrians, particularly kids walking up to the bus stop and primary.


Agree fully with this suggestion especially as my kids are starting to go out by themselves and have to cross the road.

Absolutely agree. Very challenging to cross the road however I believe this may be council jurisdiction and previously rejected. If the pedestrian crossing is not possible then perhaps designating some car free part of the road near Toninos and clearly indicating an ideal crossing place etc to improve visibility for people trying to cross the road would help although not as beneficial as a pedestrian crossing . It scares me that children are trying to cross that part of the road alone.

Desperately needed, difficult crossing from one side of Bank st to the other, safety should be the priority for all

Agree and not just there, we need more around the village and make the village more pedestrian friendly. There’s quite a few points on here about children having to cross roads or no safe access to play areas.

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