If we could find a space that could be handed over for community growing - vegetables in the main but also flowers/shrubs if people would like - teaching about sustainability and or linking in with the school to use for childrens education and growth. . We have an abundance of wild foraging available in the village and adding a community garden would provide further benefit to the ecology of the area and education / community involvement
Great idea - link to the ask from mid calder primary school classes
This is a perfect idea - finding the right location (perhaps beside the wilderness area?) is important
https://news.westlothian.gov.uk/article/74003/West-Lothian-Council-signs-Glasgow-Food-and-Climate-Declaration?fbclid=IwAR1AtpFEVzXZAD2fC11p-UFtSUPfLIqOqpu3iUMhR7gWrb08hIgEpfIBIas#cookie-consents-updated Could link in with this
Given the article in the WLNews linked here ⬆️ You could even get more / matched funding to do this …..
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