Purchase and Save an iconic red old telephone box

Purchase and Save an iconic red old telephone box

Project for Queens Celebrations this year, the village could purchase an old red telephone box. More than 1,000 phone boxes have now been repurposed with “The Community Heartbeat “ charity they came up with the idea and work with B.T to help communities, to house a defibrillator in. The device that gives people lifesaving electric shock after a heart attack. Since B.T launched their adopt or purchase a kiosk scheme, more than 5,000 communities across the UK have seized the opportunity to do something wonderful with a phone box that had no usage. From defibrillator stations, little libraries, food bank, drop off point, art gallery, colour therapy room, exhibition, information centre, suggested walks, heritage trail walks - information that is written on phone box /leaflet or can be scanned by your mobile phone. Artist could paint local village scenes on inside or outside. Or village surnames and historic names and occupations could be put, written on the box. Old copy’s of historic postcards and photos. Inspiring words,, local words and uplifting quotes.


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