Stricter EU air quality regulation

Stricter EU air quality regulation

Your solution: The National Emission Ceilings (NEC) Directive is one of EU’s main legal instrument to reduce overall emissions of air pollution. It sets limits on the amount of air pollution which can be emitted by each Member States each year. By doing so, it ensures emission reductions throughout the entire EU, which is crucial given the transboundary nature of air pollution. The Ambient Air Quality Directive (AQD) sets limits for the concentrations of a variety of pollutants in the air, including PM10, NO2, PM2.5 and SO2. The NEC Directive and AQD are complementary: while the NEC Directive addresses the overall amounts of emissions (in kilotons), the AQD addresses the quality of the air (in μg/m3). Many Member States are in breach of one of more limits set in the AQD. It is important that the review of these EU policies generate stricter regulation to imporve the air quality of EU citizens.


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