Promote existing Ingleborough walks booklet using bus/rail

Promote existing Ingleborough walks booklet using bus/rail

There is a leaflet by Friends of the Dales, Friends of DalesBus and Friends of Settle Carlisle Line that has lots of walks you can do by taking the bus or train from Leeds. It would be great to really highlight this as part of the project and promote on the buses/at the stations. Link for leaflet:


great idea! i can see the individual walks on the Settle - Carlisle line website is there a booklet that brings them all together online somewhere?

Leaflets and booklets are a bit old hat these days for the young with their mobile phones stuck in their hands.. It's probably not even websites but apps which need to promote things. How many printed leaflets get picked up and end up in the bin? I guess from my experience a good number.

Something needs to be done to address those arrive by car. Which I am pretty sure is the vast majority of people. The buses and trains have such limited capacity. Whilst it is green and worthy to promote things to bus and rail users... it is the motorists you need to get out of their cars! May be a leaflet under each windscreen wiper when people park on the grass verges.

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