More Allotments

More Allotments

More allotments space across the Gorbals 🌿


Be careful what you wish for - the current council strategy for reducing allotment waiting lists is to price out current owners "In Glasgow, the annual rent for a 250 sq metre (2,690 sq ft) plot is to surge by almost 500% from £34.50 in 2023-24 to £170 in 2024-25. The rate for those eligible for concessions will go up from £25 to £114 – a 356% increase."

I'm desperate for an allotment too, but have been told the waiting list for the ones in Oatlands is currently 10 years. If proper allotment space isn't possible, then at least some kind of community garden/growing spaces would be good. I know some allotments and community gardens give back to their local communities through things like donating surplus veg to food banks as well as organising events and open days for the community.

Also introduce rainwater/storm water gardens in the Gorbals area on a slope. This is to collect runoff allowing the water to be filtered by vegetation and percolate into the soil; thereby recharging groundwater aquifers. These processes filter out pollutants

can't some of the space around the flats be cultivated ?

More trees and flowers outside by our windows would be amazing and vegetables even better

I've been on the waiting list for almost 6 years. More allotments would give access to outdoor space especially for people who don't have gardens. There's lots of evidence to show that allotments benefit health and wellbeing, can supplement food and give people healthy outdoor activities.

Route to well being by just engaging in growing food notwithstanding the health benefits in organic grown food that not only aids a healthy life through diet but produce to share to folk recuperating from illness.

ask the Council if more of their ground can be used. It would be lovely to see more being grown here. Community garden group ?

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